Thanks to the Third Taxing District, Norwalk 2.0 has activated Constitution Park with the Pink Containers. We launched the Sounds of Liberty Square in 2018, and will be hosting the music series in 2019 in addition to special workshops, installations, and other cool stuff.
We are now offering artists the opportunity to be part of Shipping Studio in the Park. This is the first year of an artist six-week residency opportunity, which provides artists the chance to work in our 20-foot mobile studio container located adjacent to the Norwalk Harbor, in Constitution Park, and near the gateway to SONO.
We are seeking artists through an open call process that will be reviewed by a 3 person selection jury consisting of artists, curators, and arts administrators affiliated with the sponsoring organizations.
Please check norwalk2.org/events in the coming weeks for updated information on studio open hours and the project’s public programs.